USPS Raises Rates in August 2021 What Does that Mean for HOAs?

After being proposed in June by the USPS, the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) has approved rate increases beginning August 29, 2021. The full rate changes can be viewed here but some of the key increases for HOAs are:

  • First-Class Mail® is increasing 6.8% across the board
  • Certified Mail® is going up 4.2% from $3.60 to $3.75
  • Stamped mail will be 58 cents which is a 3 cent increase
  • Metered mail is increasing only 2 cents to 53 cents
  • Return receipts are increasing
    • Hard copy – $3.05 after the 20 cent increase
    • Electronic copy – $1.80 after the 10 cent increase

This means that basic HOA costs for mailed statements, annual meeting mailings, and other postage will increase slightly. To curtail some of these additional costs, communities can utilize tech-forward management solutions. Services offered like paperless e-statements and electronic voting reduce the amount of postage and in term, are easy cost-savings opportunities for communities.


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