How Are HOAs Governed in Glendale?

The number of homeowners associations (HOAs) in Glendale is on the rise, with most of the new residential developments being governed by homeowners associations. Homeowners living in a community run by an HOA are subject to some rights, but most people are usually not aware of these rights. If you buy a home in a community with a homeowners association, you are required to live by the set covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) and pay some set dues. At City Property Management, we have years of experience helping people like you understand the importance of good Glendale HOA management.

What Powers do HOAs have in Arizona?

In general, homeowners associations govern anything that is outside your home. Specifics vary from one community to another and are defined in the CC&Rs. Homeowners are expected to pay dues to the association, and failure to do so may bring on some penalties. Condominiums tend to have heftier association fees because the association typically takes full responsibility to take care of everything outside the units like repainting walls or fixing roofs. However, the restrictions can be very strict in condos, like rules on the number of pets a person can keep, for example. In traditional neighborhoods, homeowners are responsible for maintaining the outside of their homes, and the homeowners association has the authority to make sure they do as expected or the homeowners can face violation fines. The assessments or dues charged by the homeowners association cover the upkeep of common areas such as pools, parks, tennis courts, and more.

Open Meetings

All board of directors meetings are required by law to be open to all homeowner’s association members. Notices of a meeting need to be posted in public places within the community, emailed, or mailed 2 days in advance. A meeting can take place anytime a quorum of the board members come together to discuss matters concerning the association. However, the open meeting requirement is exempt when the following topics are being discussed: legal advice from the board or the association’s lawyer, pending litigations, personal information about or against a member/employee/contractor of the association, and matters concerning the job performance/ health records/ compensation/complaints against a person working directly or indirectly under the homeowners association. These topics would be discussed in a closed or executive session meeting.

Why is the number of HOAs so high?

The number of HOAs is so high because homeowners associations are known to save cities money. Neighborhoods are definitely more than simply a bunch of houses; they also have shared amenities like street lights, parks, paved roads, and much more. Such amenities cost money, therefore cities tend to encourage real estate developers to carry those costs and the developers in turn form an association to be responsible for the costs and maintenance of those amenities.

Getting into our Managed a Glendale HOAs

In Glendale, there are several HOAs, but not all of them are appropriately managed. If you are looking for a home or better management company for your HOA in Glendale, please contact City Property Management.

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