Safford HOA Management Services

A small city northeast of Tucson, Safford is home to a long-standing mining tradition in the area. To date, the top employer of the city is a mining company. Though the city is small, it has seen growth since its genesis in the early 20th century, and it continues steadily today.

With population growth comes housing growth, and many developers are utilizing homeowners associations (HOAs) for new housing as their guidelines work to ensure a well-maintained community and steady property values. However, managing an HOA can be a heavyweight on a board of directors smolders as they volunteer positions. This is where a great property management company can make all the difference. City Property Management, we pride ourselves on being a reputable property management company that can tackle any tasks thrown our way.

Who We Are

City Property Management has served Arizona communities with our amazing team and innovative technology for over 40 years. Our dedication to quality management of the communities in our care is unparalleled, and our decades of experience can ensure your Safford HOA runs smoothly and effectively. We focus on protecting the community’s assets to keep property values steady or climbing, leading to a happier and more cohesive community.

What We Can Do For Your Safford HOA

There are many aspects to managing an HOA, and some of the duties are administrative, such as customer service and financial services. Here is a smattering of just some of the administrative tasks we tackle for our clients.

  • Communication via email, phone, newsletter
  • Online bill pay for convenience
  • Unrivaled technology for homeowner and board member use
  • Management of legal representation
  • CC&R and other policy enforcement
  • In-house collections
  • Board training
  • Full accounting services with recommendations for CPAs

However, our team at City Property Management handles more than just the administrative items – we are also involved in the maintenance of the community to keep it well-maintained and desirable to current residents and prospective homeowners. The most important front-end aspect of community management is vendor management. At City Property Management, we handle all of the hiring and firing or vendors while also keeping track of their work at the community, we review insurance to ensure the community is covered and handle all accounts payable. Here are some aspects of the community maintenance that involve vendor management:

  • Pool services
  • Landscaping
  • Roof repairs
  • Painting
  • Tot lot services 

Get in Contact Today

City Property Management is here for all of your Safford HOA management services needs so your community is well looked after and in great financial standing. We are about the partnerships we foster with communities and the boards we serve because we are dedicated to provided excellent resources and service. Call us today at 602.437.4777 to learn how we can help your Safford HOA today.

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