Page HOA Management Services

What was once a temporary work camp for builders of the Glen Canyon Dam in the 1950s has now grown into an oasis in the desert, with Lake Powell serving as a backdrop to majestic mesas and red buttes. Page has still retained its small-town charm throughout growth over recent decades. This quaint city that borders Utah has a population of under ten thousand but attracts millions of tourists year-round with the breathtaking desert landscapes ideal for hiking and the sparkling Lake Powell, where many come for aquatic activities such as boating.

Page is one of the smaller cities in Arizona with vast amounts of tourism and as more visitors flock each year, the city grows. Many stunning rock formations and scenic views in Page, some located on Navajo land, have just become popular and well known in recent years adding to tourist numbers.

As this small city grows, so does the housing needed for new residents, and developers are taking note by building new homeowners associations (HOAs). These neighborhoods require maintenance, financial services, and compliance inspections – all of which can be time-consuming for the average board member. Many of these new communities are turning to Page HOA management services to ease the burden of managing these different aspects. Property management companies, like City Property Management, ease the hassle and worry of managing an HOA while providing quality customer service as well.

Who We Are

At City Property Management, we have been serving Arizona communities for over 40 years with upstanding customer service and innovative technology. Our dedication to quality management of the communities in our care is unparalleled. With our decades of experience and tenacious team, we can ensure your Page HOA runs smoothly and effectively.

What We Can Do For Your Page HOA

We offer full management services to our clients with administrative, accounting, and management all covered. Here are some of the services included with our management:

  • Online bill pay for convenience
  • Unrivaled technology for homeowner and board member use
  • Management of legal representation
  • CC&R and other policy enforcement
  • In-house collections
  • Board training
  • Full accounting services with recommendations for CPAs.

The team at City Property doesn’t just handle the back-end maintenance of the communities we serve – we are also involved in the maintenance of the common areas and neighborhood as well to keep communities looking clean and desirable for prospective buyers. Vendor management is one of the most important aspects of community maintenance. At City Property, we handle all of the hiring and firing or vendors while also keeping track of their work at the community, we review insurance to ensure the community is covered, and handle all accounts payable. Here are some aspects of the community maintenance that involve vendor management:

  • Pool services
  • Landscaping
  • Roof repairs
  • Painting
  • Tot lot services

Get in Contact Today

City Property Management is here for all of your Page HOA needs to ensure your community is well-maintained and in good fiscal shape. We are about the partnerships we foster with communities and the boards we serve because we are dedicated to providing excellent resources and service. Call us today at 602.437.4777 to learn how we can help your Page HOA today.

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